
Dotsync is a small, free, open-source and blazingly fast dotfiles synchronizer!

Dotsync - A simple and concise dotfiles synchronizer! | Product Hunt



The shining point in Dotsync. synchronizing dotfiles in a seamless way, instead of copying dotfile back and forth to/from a Git repository.


The standalone CLI is only 5MiB, and takes ≲ 10MiB of memory while running!

Blazingly Fast

Well that's a bit stretching it, but since it’s really simple and straight to the point, so performance is just snappy!

Cool Stack

This is my favorite thing, Dotsync has a very fancy and diverse stack, where The CLI is built with Go, the server with Elixir & Phoenix, and the website with SvelteKit & Tailwind CSS.


Dotsync is an open-source project licensed under GPL-3.0, you can star it, fork it, open an issue, or make a pull request at any repository you desire ❴CLI, server, website


Dotsync is completely free (as in both freedom and charge), but I wouldn't mind if you got me a coffee.


Use the Go installer for a quick installaion.

go install

Add Go's bin path to your path.

echo "export PATH=$HOME/go/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.`basename $SHELL`rc

Quick Start🚀

A quick guide to backup a file.

1. Login using an email, and follow the steps

dotsync -login

2. Add a file to your sync list, for example ~/.bashrc

dotsync -add ~/.bashrc

3. Login into another computer
4. Sync the files on the other computer

dotsync -download

5. Update your files after a local change

dotsync -upload

For a more detailed usage visit the Docs


How private and secure is Dotsync?

1. Dotsync doesn't include any kind of data telemetry trackers, your data are encrypted inside of a docker container, so chances of a leakage are near zero!

2. I herby promise to never look at any of the uploaded data, I don't know if it means anything, but trust me, I ain't got time to browse containers and decrypt files manually.

3. Finally, as you can see Dotsync is open source, and you can check how the data flows across the application.

This website is open source and you can fork it on GitHub